Pixelated Heroes 1st Teaser Trailer

How did one simple idea become one of most loved sports video games in history?

Mikey McBryan has been traveling from New York to Vancouver, in search for answers and he is just getting started. Filming is still underway and the adventure is far from over. So stay tuned to find out ways you can join us and become part of the adventure.

Follow the film on Facebook for more updates Pixelated Heroes

For media inquires or if you want to get involved please fell free to email Mikey at


NHL ’94 World Record Gets Broken

The news is in!

KingRaph has just broken the World Record for the the biggest blow out in NHL ’94 on Super Nintendo! This means one man holds both the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo Records!

Next week the Pixelated Heroes film crew is heading to New Jersey to Interview Raph. Along the way we are going to meet up with some other key people for the documentary. Ill update that on another post.

So for now big congrats to Raph and long live the King!

WATCH THE YOUTUBE. I have set it to fast forward to the good part!

BUT WAIT… I have already interviewed the person who is trying to break Raph’s record… STAY TUNED!

Ronning Vs Roy

Here is a teaser clip for the upcoming Documentary called
Pixelated Heroes. We are traveling all over the word to find out why a 22 year old, obsolete video game still has a cult following today. We are doing a travel documentary about NHL ’94.

During our journey we stopped at Base Hockey in Burnaby BC. We sat down with NHL Legend Cliff Ronning to discuss his connection with the classic video game and also an insight into what it was like playing on the real ice in the 1990’s. We can’t give you the gold yet but here is a short clip about the Ronning vs Roy revelry!

Follow the Production Blog at MikeyTV.com

All so follow us on these sites.


The Arizona Trip

Week two of filming Pixelated Heroes

We are on the road again!

Just before we left to Saskatoon my buddy and Camara Guy Kaetyn asked me if I wanted to join him on a trip to Arizona to visit his folks and see the Mecca of Automobile Auctions, Barrett Jackson! I of course said yes and started thinking about content we can film while we where there..

After the amazing time Saskatoon (see pervious blog post) and no sleep for a couple days we start driving back to Calgary. The online player from California named angryjay93 had to be at the Calgary Airport early in the afternoon

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This is me showing angryjay93 the best part about Canada… KETCHUP CHIPS! 

While rushing back I get a call from my buddy JM in the Yukon with some great news, he landed me an interview with his buddy and Arizona Coyotes tough guy BJ Crombeen!


We fly to Phoenix the next day again with no sleep haha. I rented a 2015 Camaro SS Convertible and we drove to Scottsdale where Kaetyn’s folks have a house.

What does a Canadian do when they first arrive in the US?? You guessed it, GO TO A HOCKEY GAME! So that what we did we got 4th row to the right of the Coyotes bench for only $87 bucks (I love US hockey prices!)


The next day we booked a time to talk to BJ and we realized at the last second the the modern TV we had at the house doesn’t have the Audio Video AV RCA ports. We have a major problem and BJ is an hour away from showing up and we need a solution fast. I looked at the TV and it had RGB and HDMI plug ins but it also had a old school Coax cable for a Cable TV. So there was the solution find an Sega Genesis coax cable. We raced down to a vintage game store called Fallout Games. We run in there and the guy behind the counter asked us what we are up to, I explain that we are shooting a Doc about the game NHL ’94. He flips with excitement!

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I’m blown away because we are in the middle of the desert in the Western Untied Staes and this is the last place a thought I would find an NHL ’94 fanatic. Turns out his father was a backup goalie for the Chicago Blackhawks in the late 70’s! So of course I ask him if he would like to be interviewed. He says yes and being pinched for time we slip off a quick interview. Being so excited about the topic it wasn’t to we had to leave that we exchanged names. My saviour is named Scott. Because we where short of time, Scott said he could be free another day after work to do a real sit down interview (on our last day in the states we went to Fallout Games and got a proper interview with Scott). He throws the Sega Cable we needed at us and wishes us luck and we jump back in the Camaro and booker back to the house.

We got the Genesis hooked up to the TV Just in time. We sat BJ down for a interview and after I played him a quick game of NHL ’94. Big thanks going out to BJ for being the first NHL’er to participate in the Documentary!

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I would also like to take a second and thank the St.Hilaire family for putting us up and cooking some wicked meals everyday!


Some Non-Pixelated Heroes things we did was of course go see the Barrett Jackson Auction IMG_9172IMG_9166

A trip to the Pima Aviation Museum


Last but not least a road trip to the happiest place on earth…


This is where Kaetyn wanted to do the one thing he always dreamed about…

Thanks for reading and there is lots more to write about so stay tuned and Subscribe!

The Saskatoon Smash NHL ’94 Tourney

Well folks I’m a little behind on the blog so I’ll go back to January 10th.

Picture this if you will…

It’s 1:45am in the morning and Kaetyn and I are sitting at the Calgary airport waiting for a plane from San Francisco to land. On the plane is a guy that started off his journey in Sacramento California. I have not met this mystery guy that goes by the Internet name Angryjay93. I have been told by some respected NHL ’94 players that this guy is one of the best in the world and one of the only actively online playing from California. Why is he coming to Calgary? Well really he is not. I offered Angryjay93 a ride from YYC to Saskatoon Sask. You see Aj93 is on his way to a Super Nintendo NHL ’94 tournament hosted by another mysterious guy that goes by the name Halifax.

What once stated as a basement gathering has now ballooned into a full international NHL ’94 tournament. People are coming from Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon and now California. This was all set up in less then 2 weeks by Halifax.

NHL ’94 Lesson Break
There are basically 4 versions of NHL ’94
1) Sega Genesis
2) Super Nintendo
3) Sega CD
4) DOS (PC computer)

The CD and DOS versions in lots of respects are possibly “better” versions of the game, the reason they are not widely used is they where not as popular as the normal console versions. So when people talk about the Game NHL ’94 today is 75% Sega Genesis (Gens) and 25% Super Nintendo (SNES). The Genesis version came 1st and the Super Nintendo was ported (basically means copied or transferred) from the Gens version. The main stream NHL ’94 guys prefer the Gens version over the SNES… BUT the SNES has a cult following of its own and that’s why I’m on my way to Saskatoon.


Back to the story…

Aj93 is a Gens player but because Live NHL ’94 Tournaments are rare he decided to switch teams for one night in Saskatchewan. His plane lands and only a few people get off. Aj93 introduces him self…

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Next we head back to my house in Calgary. We stay up till 3am drinking beer and playing NHL ’94. Got a few hours sleep and where on the road at 7am heading for Saskatoon. It’s about a 5 hour drive, along the way Kaetyn and I introduce Aj93 to Canadian Culture which is made up of Ketchup chips, Kinder Surprise and Smarties! Also he was introduced to RIDER NATION once we crossed the Alberta border into Saskatchewan.

We all met up in a bar called Sports on Tap and I started meeting all the players. CJ who owns GIBSON films came in from Regina to play and also to help me film the event.

The night went awesome!

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I don’t want to reveal to much about the tournament outcome because you will have to watch the Documentary when it comes out. All I can tell you is it was a story book ending and we all had a great time! We ended up shooting interviews till 5:30am in the morning. Once again we where up to drive back to Calgary. Aj93 had his flight back to California leaving at 7pm so we had to booker back.

But no rest for the wicked because the very next day Kaetyn and I were off to Arizona to start our 2nd phase of filming. My next Blog post will tell what happened in AZ. We are done the trip now and ‘m writing this post on my phone on the flight home… But wait something changed during my time in the states and I’m not flying “home”. I’m now on my way to Vancouver. Because we landed a huge interview… Who is it? Check this outIMG_6026

Pixelated Production Video Blog #1

Hey Folks its now only two days away from the NHL ’94 Super Nintendo Tournament. Yesterday Kaetyn and I drove all around Calgary visiting Pawn Shops and Game stores looking for copies of NHL ’94 on SNES. We could not find a single one! Luckily I had one in Hay River I brought down after the holidays. We then drove to the Buffalo Airways Hangar in Red Deer where I have all my College Years belongings in storage. Luckily we found another SNES System and now rare copy of ’94! So now we have two systems, two games and 3 working controllers. One controller is sticking so i’m going to try and fix it. We found a trophy place here in YYC that could rush us a kick ass custom trophy, can’t wait to show everyone!. We also made a Video Blog last night and where testing out ways to video game play and reaction shots at the same time. Here is what we cam up with… Enjoy!

Cheers and Fly Safe,




My Documentary Production Blog

Welcome folks to the 1st Production Blog post for my Documentary Project tiled…

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Well here is me writing and already spellcheck has fixed three words… Thanks spellcheck!
So what the heck is this documentary going to be about? Well its going to focus on one of the best video games ever made!

Drum roll please!


Yes an old video game that came out over 20 years ago on a system that collects dust in peoples attics (I guess not to many people have attics these days but hey I like the expression).

If you know this game then I don’t have to explain why it is important to me and thousands of big kids my age. But for everyone else… its just awesome! So thats what I want to capture on film. I have been playing this game sense it came out and i’m not alone, there is a huge mass following to this game. I have been studying this topic seriously for over a year. Now that my TV show Ice Pilots has wrapped its 6th and final season I wanted to take some time and focus on this project. Spending the last 6 years of my life almost everyday with documentary crews has gave me the film bug. Now its time to see if I can make this happen!

Here is a teaser we shot some test footage, CHECK IT OUT!

I’m going to dig into the past/present/future of this game (Total “A Christmas Carol”rip off) . This is going to take me coast to coast and possibly a trip to Hawaii. I super excited and with help from the online community over at NHL94.com we are doing a live tournament in Saskatoon January 10th. So far we have 11 of not just normal dudes but some of the best ’94 players in the world coming. One guy is even flying in from California! This event will be the first full day of filming on this project. I’m a little nervous, not only to start filming but i’ll also be competing! I don’t mean to brag but i’m pretty good at this game after playing it for 20 years BUT these guys are pros and ill be happy just to win a single game!! Here is the artwork I made up for the event.

NHL '94 Tournament

I’ll write more about this event as it gets near. For now I just want to take time to thank some folks that really have helped me get to this point.

1st off a big shout out to my good buddy Kaetyn St.Hilaire. He has pushed me to get this moving and has been there non-stop to help me out. He made the Pixelated Heroes Website, helped me with graphics and testing my game play (he has even beaten me in ONE game, the first time a lost in over ten years!). But mostly keeping me motivated and coming to Saskatoon to film and play in the event.

Next I want to thanks “Halifax” from the NHL ’94 online community, he is the guy making this whole tournament happen and is huge supporter of this film project and I can’t wait to interview him and talk more about the future of this game.

Also from the online community is a mysterious master of the game that goes by the online handle CLOCKWISE! He has gave me a lot of insight into the programming of the game and the people that made it. He is also going to be apart of helping me make high end graphics for the production of the film.
Also a shootout to KingRaph who is the world record holder most goals in a game of NHL ’94. This is even certified from the official Genesis Book of World Record official scoreboard Twin Galaxies! Raph has been helping out with my research into the game and hopefully i’ll get to interview him as well!

A big thanks to my buddy and Film Maker Jereme Watt for pushing me about a year ago to really focus and give me the confidence to go ahead and start working on this as a goal.

Last but not least a big high five going to Erin McGechaen! She helped me with the promotional writing and scripts! Also she is always there to help me with my many troubles with the english language!

Well folks thanks for reading and i’ll be updating this as much as I can so subscribe! Also if you have any ideas or anything you would like to help out or participate in this project please drop me an email at MikeyMcBryan@Gmail.com!

Cheers and Fly Safe!


The Best Year of My Life (in Pictures)

This past year of life has been just crazy. This coming season 4 of Ice Pilots has documented it and will start airing here in Canada on October 25th!! I got big plans for this blog and starting September 3rd, I’m going to be starting my “next year”. But before I explain I would like to do a quick recap of the highlights of the last year starting last Summer.

Ice Pilots was nominated for the Gemini awards and I flew down to Toronto and attended the award banquet. I was lucky enough to take Kate Eaton as my date and I even dressed up in a suit lol. We sat with the series Executive Producer David Gullason, who is the main reason we have a TV show. We didn’t win the big one, but we did go home with two! I have more pics of trashing hotel rooms with Michael Hicks, but I leave those alone lol

Right when I got back to the hangar we started shooting the CBC TV show “Arctic Air”. Now that was a real blast. Getting meet the whole crew and get to see behind the scenes of what it takes to make a real drama show. I became friends with almost every crew member, on screen crew and off screen crew! There where some crazy after parties and I highly enjoy working with everyone when they come to Yellowknife.

A random cool thing happened when Reggie Leach and his son Jamie Leach came to visit us in the hangar. Reggie won the Stanley Cup with the Flyers during the Broadstreet Bullies era (My favorite time in Hockey!… I know I know) and his son Jamie won the Cup with Mario and the boys in the early 1990’s. Meeting a father son team that were fans of the show and both had cup wins and they let me wear their rings!!! That was easily a true highlight.

Even got into the Halloween spirt and dressed up as Kermit the frog, Kenny dressed up as Kermit’s nephew Robin (that’s a real muppet!… Google it haha)

Our Annually Christmas For Misfits 4 poster. We have this party in Hay River for all us guys that get kicked out of normal x-mas parties lol!! I will release the #5 poster this November for this years party!

Well we finished working on Season 1 of Arctic Air, now a hollywood type premier party with all the stars and crew. Here is the YK crew Jay, Pablo and myself. We had the best time ever at the after party (pics to crazy to post)

Here is my Tweet to celebrate Ice Pilots NWT going back on the Air in the USA on the Weather Channel, did I mention I love the weather Channel! AMERICA!!!

Here is a soot of me in the back of a Military Herc. This is an Ice Pilots thing so I cant say much, but what I can say is EPIC!

We worked with the Military lots this year, here is a shot of of Hangar and the PPCLI Paratroopers getting there gear on!

Oh Ya I did my first acting job, I’m a natural at fighting out side the gold range. For more info check out http://www.Collective9.com

Pond Hockey this year was AWESOME!! the boys/gals in Hay River sure can throw a Hockey Tourny!!! Here is our team the “Buffalo Pond Stars” lol

Here is my team for the Frostbite 45. Ya thats right we did a snowshoe marathon(More on season 4… sorry)

To help me get into shape I did a lot of snow shoeing!! Here is Back Bay outside of my house, Check out the Norseman on the dock. still on floats lol

I got to sneak in a vist with my Sliver friend the Cup on one of my trips to Toronto.

Scotty got me tickets to watch the leafs lose to OV and we even got a game puck and a tour of the dressing room!!

Now this is a huge honour, Hay River but My sister, brother and myself on there $5 dollar coin!! PURE MONEY hahaha I LOVE HAY RIVER!!!!

My Buddy Serge and I went to watch the payoff game where the Sens beat the Rangers in overtime!! It was the most fun I ever had at a hockey game!!

AJ and I searching for long lost Airplanes (Season 4 stuff lol)

I Got to be the special guest at the Hamilton Airshow!! So awesome, I love the posterBuffaloAirWear.com sponsored a racing team out of Ontario check out My buddy’s at http://www.facebook.com/risok.sport

Another cool thing happen, LEGO asked us to be a part of their theme park LEGOLAND in Denmark. Here is a sneak shot of inside the “Buffalo Hangar” notice the doors hahaha. So very cool, you can see the whole thing on a upcoming episode of Ice Pilots.
Outside of the Hangar is where you will find the LEGO version of my Father and my self flying an Airplane. If you are in Denmark CHECK IT OUT!!

This is a truly amazing moment of my life. Im flying in the Lancaster (middle) and there is a B-25 on our left wing and the only fling B-29 on our right wing. Also there is a Mustang Fighter doing loops around us. We flew in this formation to Buffalo NY were I got to fly in the B-29. This was all publicly for the Hamilton Airshow. in the future ill write a blog post just about this and show you guys the awesome footage from my phone!A shot of me looking just behind the captain.

The Airshow was so fun. Cooper came with me for the show and here is a pic of us in front of the best airshow display i have ever seen!!! Check them out HERE

The GNWT asked me to go to Vancouver for Canada Day to help promote the North. He is a shot of Arctic Air’s Adam Beach and I before heading up on stage to talk to the crowd.

No its not Tom Cruise, more like Tommy Boy

Here is me getting strapped in for the ride of my life!!!!!

Here is me trying to figure out how to change the channel on the on board TV lol

Iron Maiden during Aces High (my fav song) we where in the Sound stage area.

Here is a cool shot I took of Bruce as I was heading back stage to grab a beer lol.

My Friend Kristy from Australia was touring Canada and came up to visit us in Yellowknife, so Kenny and I kidnapped her and brought her to the concert. Here is a shot of us outside our personal “Green Room at the Iron Maiden Concert.Here is me flashing our back stage passes and grabing one of our free beers lol. There was none left of course!!

Here is Bruce right after the show, we are in his van heading to the pub for a night cap.

Bruce and I sitting in the Cockpit of the DC-3 WZS on our way from Edmonton – Yellowknife.

My favourite pic of Emma Rae showing Bruce how to really scream!!

Maybe he will come back and try his hand on the 46???

At the Black Knight here in Yellowknife enjoying a Pint. Well Summer is now coming to an end and I now have to top last year some how… As you can see with the pictures I have lost a bunch of weight. My next blog post is going to tell you how I did it and what this next year holds for me (ITS GOING TO BE ALOT OF WORK 😉

Anyway!I hope you like this blog so far. On Monday I will introduce a friend of mine who is going to help me write on this blog.Cheers,